October 8

100 Word Challenge!!!

The latest prompt from our friends over at 100WC!

Latest prompt

Back to part of a sentence this week. Remember you must include these words exactly as they are written here:

…it reminded me of a time when…


On your blog create a post of 100 words and then see me to help you post it on 100wc.net

Posted October 8, 2018 by mrmccraysclass in category Uncategorized

3 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge!!!

  1. Tyler Crutchley

    Hi, I’m from ms. Dittos 5th grade class. We are thinking about doing the 100 word challenge. Can you tell me more about this challenge, like what type of writing we are supposed to use and what perspective we use? I would like if you got to me pretty soon. Can’t wait to hear from you.
    Sincerely- Tyler

    1. mrmccraysclass (Post author)

      Hi Tyler!
      So the 100 Word Challenge is an awesome website at 100wc.net. Every week a new post is added and students are tasked with writing a story of 100 words based on the prompt. Sometimes it can be a picture, a group of words, or even a sentence starter. The perspective can change based on the author so there really is no set perspective. It is an awesome way to get move visitors to your blog and a great way to get feedback about your stories. One of our friends was chosen as a Showcase story to be spotlighted on their site! Your teacher will have to register the class so you will need to ask her permission, if she is interested I can help her out if she needs it. Hope my answer covers your question. Happy blogging!!
      Mr. McCray


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